Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lucky Pic of the Day.................."Legend" in the making!

Isaac out of Baldwin, NY

The Lucky Pic of the Day usually falls into a few categories, and from my descriptions and titles on the pics, you should know. Now look at the title on this you think its justifiable? I do! I know you're probably thinking "he's just posing" or "does he really dress like that?"......If you have to ask, you're definately not a New Yorker.......This kid has style down to a point that you'd think he is out of his mind. He doesn't wear what you wear, but wears his personality. From these outfits, you can sum up a few things: 1) He has a weird way with colors (yet they look good on the kid), and 2) He wants you to look.....The swag is there, and the look is there......No sense in me telling you what I think he's thinking......just look at the expression and the obvious confidence.....I doubt this guy needs a mirror...

Thank you Isaac, for being unique......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the first scarf: straight out of Harry Potter LOVE IT!!