I wrote this on the fly....and it is incomplete.....I already have the final line worked up but I refuse to put it down till I complete this...till then, read what I have so far!
More than just windows to her soul....
It is the doorway to her heart....
A heart that is too complicated for a key...
But the right combination will unlock the chains she uses as barriers....
And reveal the treasures locked within to show you a living jewel in all its splendor....
More than just windows to her soul....
They are the aqueducts to her tears.....
Tears from the suffering she has befallen through the years.....
She has stood by our sides for this long....
Yet we still haven't aplogized...
We haven't peered through those windows to see her quivering....
To see tears from a woman fit to be Queen...
We have yet to peer into her soul to truly understand exactly what she means...
Apologize for calling her a bitch, when she gives us an attitude....
Be around when she needs us, instead of calling her when we are in the mood....
These eyes tell us more than we can ever begin to understand about her in the most amazing way...
They are instructions to how we should approach her...speak to her...even love her....
But we continually fuck this up and learn our lessons the hard way....
only reaching for her hand when she's slipping away...
More than windows to her soul....
She uses them as seductive instruments...
It doesn't matter who you are, one look and she can trap the best of men....
We look into them when the time is right....and we fall into them as bodies become one...
And she allows you access to her soul on those special nights...
Allows you access not just to her physical being, but to also make love to her mind...
So there is no need for a penis because the most important tool is your ear....
Pay attention to every detail....peer into those eyes...feel her moan...
It's really not about all the stuff we hear...because a deeper bond has just been created...
More than windows to her soul....They show me what heaven may be like